Queer and LGBT Identity Development


I strongly believe that being queer/LGBT is not only about who one loves, sleeps with or chooses to form a family with. I feel that a queer/LGBT identity is not only about sexual orientation, but also about one's very orientation to being human, to how one lives in their skin and moves through the world.

Affirmation and celebration of queer sexual and gender expressions can be vital to the psychological and spiritual survival of queer and trans individuals. Culturally competent psychotherapy goes a step further by offering queers the opportunity to get to know the full complexity and humanity of their relationships to self and others. Whether uncovering the subtle and surprising remnants of internalized homophobia and transphobia, buried deep in the unconscious, or reclaiming lost pieces of one's personality that were cut off or repressed for not conforming to expected gender norms, in this work we strive to reclaim and make contact with that deep, inner, complex core of wholeness that shines its own unique queer light on a person's soul and very being.

In my practice I see butches and femmes, trans and non-binary queers, both trans feminine and trans masculine. I also have a long history supporting sex-workers and the sex-work community and welcome folks who are kinky and polyamorous.