Analytic Jungian Work
The work of C.G. Jung greatly influences my work. Jung fought hard to show that spirituality, creativity, and the search for meaning and wholeness are important forces in us humans, no less so than the search for power and sexual fulfillment that Freud emphasized. Analytic Jungian work takes a multitude of forms, and is flexible and unique to each individual. It seeks to support each person in discovering, unfolding and living as close as possible to the totality of their whole personality. This kind of soulful, deep inquiry requires from both analyst and patient a genuine spirit of open-mindedness and humility. We are invited together to accept what is yet unknown, unreachable or even unthinkable in each person's very being.
This work unfolds differently for different people; for some, it is through relating to powerfully resonant images and symbols that appear in dreams, through sand-play or drawing, or spontaneously when engaging the imagination; for others it is through quiet contemplation; for others yet it is through bodily sensations, emotions or intuition that contact with what Jung Called "the Spirit of the Depths" becomes accessible to dialogue and mutual learning.
Differently from traditional psychoanalytic work, this kind of depth psychotherapy does not require a certain number of weekly sessions. Another important aspect of this work is that the goal of "individuation", which was Jung's term for the process of coming into wholeness, does not end at the personal level of the individual's relationship with themselves, but rather goes further into an ethical calling to engage with the world with the same spirit of inquiry, responsibility, and acceptance as one has with their own selves.